Tutorial - Sew your own nappy stacker
Here is a fun tutorial on how to make a nappy stacker.
My Sister-in-law kindly asked me to make her a nappy stacker as she could not find a single shop in Pretoria ( South Africa ) that stocked them. Of course I was more than happy to make her one!
- 50 cm of white cotton twill ( 150cm wide)
- 40cm of grey checked gingham (I used a pollycotton)
- 50cm batting
-50cm of medium weight fusing
- 21cm x 46cm hard board
- 1 x clothing hanger
Trace outline of your hanger (The width of my hanger was 46,5cm) and extend the height to 21cm. Remember to add on 1cm seam allowance.
Base rectangle: 23,5cm x 48,5cm
Front binding: 6cm x 46cm
Body: 135cm x 46cm
Draw up a heart that will fit the center of the hanger
2 x hanger cover in check fabric
2x Hanger cover in fusing
1 x Body in white cotton twill.
2 x Front binding of checked fabric (You can fuse these strips if you would like a stiffer look)
2x Base in check fabric and fusing
1 x Base in batting
1 x Heart in fabric and in fusing
Step 1) Iron fusing to matching panels.
Step 2) Using a zig-zag stitch with a buttonhole stitch length, stitch the fabric heart to the center of the hanger cover. The sitches should cover the raw edge of the heart.
Step 3) Lay the hanger cover panels right side on top of right side and pin them together. Mark a 3cm gap where the hanger hook will pass through on the top of the cover. Now stitch the side seam together,but leave the 3cm marked space open (We need this hole for the hanger hook). Remember to back-tack at the start and at the end of your stitching. Leaving the base open.
Around the curved edges, nip the the seamallowance into small joints and trim the fabric around the curves. This will make the curves look more smooth once turned inside-out.
Turn the hanger cover to the right side and press it with an iron. Once pressed, insert your clothing hanger. The hook of the hanger needs to be pushed through the top gap of the cover.
Step 4) To create the base, lay your first fused base panel on top of your batting. Based these two layers together. (Stitch the layers together with a long stitch length.)
Your second checked base panel will be the inside layer of the stacker. Roll one of the long edges in twice by 1cm and stitch down creating a hem.
Step 5) Attach the binding to the centre front (CF) of your body panel.
Step 6) Pin you base to the body. (1. Fused base, 2. Body, 3. base with hemmed edge) Start by placing the centre front body to the centre point of the long side of the rectangle. Right sides should be pinned on top of each other. Sew around the edge joining the seam.
Step 7) Fold the side edges in as shown. Once folded in, it should be the same length as the width of the hanger cover.
Step 8) Place the hanger cover base edge against the body. Right sides to right sides. Only pin one side to the body. Sew together.
Flip the seams into the hanger cover and cover the seams with the second hanger cover layer. Top stitch closed.
Step 9) If you would like to make the base more sturdy, you can cut thick cardboard to size and slip it into the base.
Step 10) You have a nappy stacker.:)

Step 10) You have a nappy stacker.:)
To book a sewing lesson you can contact us at andrea@createhobby.co.za. You can also find us at www.createhobby.co.za | www.facebook.com/CreateHobby | www.twitter.com/createhobby
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